NYHED! Nutridrink Jucy Plus

Når man bliver ældre og er under alvorlig sygdom, har man behov for højere indtag af protein

*Delsoglio M, et al. Abstract no. ESPEN23-LB56-W. Presented at ESPEN Congress, Lyon, 11th-14th September 2023.​

*Delsoglio M, et al. Abstract no. ESPEN23-LB56-W. Presented at ESPEN Congress, Lyon, 11th-14th September 2023.​

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  7. Hubbard GP, et al.  A systematic review of compliance to oral nutritional supplements. Clin Nutr. 2012;31:293-312.​
  8. Sammenlignet med Nutridrink Jucy.
  9. Højest vurderet egenskab i smagspanel, User eXperience Lab, Danone research & Innovation, Utrecth.
  10. Hubbard GP, et al. A systematic review of compliance to oral nutritional supplements. Clin Nutr. 2012;31:293-312.​